Kassab apiaries started more than 50 years ago. The "beekeeper" Daoud, started as an amateur collecting honey, then turned into a professional to support his family, and then to one of the largest beekeepers owning more than 500 hives, producing 5-7 tons annually. One bee box contains between 15-20 frames of wax in which honey is built, at an estimated cost of 600 shekels. Each box produces 18 kilos of honey annually, at the normal rate. However, if the bees are affected by weather fluctuations or the quality of the nectar, the quantities of honey production decrease. The nectar of flowers, according to Abu Ibrahim, from trees is better than from herbs, and plants exposed to pesticides are less productive than those that were not sprayed, while the average price per kilo in "wholesale" is 45 shekels.
Kassab Apires give services now as trainer among the Bee sector in the WestBank.