The story began in 2010 as a hobby for a young teen at the age of twelve with two bee hives in a small garden at his house in Jenin city.
This hobby grew with him, year after year, until this hobby become a passion! On 2016; A passion turned into a profession when he entered the college of Veterinary Medicine. Therefore; He established the Al-Andalus Apiaries Company. A passion become an income source.
As a result of the deep experiences and passion in beekeeping; Al-Andalus apiaries is managed by a thoughtful leadership, high efficiency and innovation in production and marketing.
Al-Andulus apiaries now operates in several locations in Palestine and produce a wide range of honey products.
Al-Andalus Apiary produces various natural honey and its products throughout our apiaries that are widespread in Palestine using the best scientific techniques and the highest quality specifications under a high supervision from specialists in the field of beekeeping.